Current Tas Fire Service alerts can be found HERE
TFS conduct, and issue fire permits for land owners to conduct planned burns.
The TFS could issue any number of permits to burn without knowledge of air quality.
See the map below.
In doing so, population health again was really of no consideration.
tfs1.4.10b.jpg (233627 bytes)

Every year this smoke is allowed to continue, people are affected for life and will have their lives shortened.
"The present results provide a plausible mechanism for the increased cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality that epidemiological studies have associated with air pollution from biomass smoke inhalation."
"Wood smoke exposure induces a pulmonary and systemic inflammatory response in firefighters." -
European Respiratory Journal July1, 2008 Vol 32 no. 1 129-138
And the majority of them are provided with full PPE!
lAgreementlogos.jpg (101578 bytes)
Lets take a look at the above logos which apear together on the TFS website:
Tasmania Fire Service - Encourages burning in preference to cleaner smoke-free methods for fuel reduction.
Parks and Wildlife- Conduct large scale planned burning.
Tourism - It is ok to burn as long as you hide it when major tourism events are taking place.
Forestry Tasmania - Conduct major planned burns.
Forest Industries Association - Main body to do with planned burns.
Asthma Foundation - Standing side-by-side with the burners. Refuse to lobby on behalf of asthmatics.
Woodsmoke - Inflamatory response for Fire Fighters

The photo below comes from the CFA  Vic. website.
You tell me why anybody needs to make this much harmful smoke?
Smoke inhalation can cause airway injury and caused an acute decline in pulmonary functions.  Temporary increase in airway responsiveness has been reported in association with acute exposure to fire smoke.  This is also true with structural fire fighting.  Repeated exposures to smoke may contribute to an excess in annual decline in lung function compared to the normal population.  In wild land fire fighting, exposures may be more centered across a fire season (typically May through November).  Studies of wild land fire fighters noted significant cross-season increases in eye irritation and wheezing symptoms correlated with the fire fighting activities.  Studies have also observed a decline in average FEV1 and FVC cross-seasonally.- International Association of Firefighters

I guess the question has to be asked. Why are firefighters experiencing exposure to smoke when they are provided with Standards-approved Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to wear? They wear the boots and jackets, but not their masks. WHY?
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'Pyromania' is a desire to burn things.
One study in 2008 produced by the Australian Institute of Criminology found arson is the single
greatest cause of bushfires in Australia. As the study notes: “for all vegetation fires for which there is
a cause recorded, 50 percent may be lit deliberately.”

Three teenage girls arrested for arson over 13 grassfires on the NSW mid-north coast

We light them, then we fight them!  Fire fighters turn into fire lighters.
Victoria - Go here to read how a CFA volunteer firefighter firebug 'yearned to be on a fire truck',
and read his sentence here.
Victoria - Another  volunteer firefighter sentenced here is Victoria's worst killer.
Tasmania - Volunteer firefighter sentenced here
West Australia - Two volunteer firefighters charged here:  Sentence here
                            And here: Sentence here
Central Coast NSW - Part-time firefighter charged here
       Adjourned to 7th October 2015 for mention.
      Listed for mention 6th January 2016
      This matter is listed for Mention (Police) on 17 February 2016 9:30 AM before the Local Court - Crime at
      Bail to Continue (Not Varied)
      The matter has been adjourned to Gosford Local Court on 11/5/2016 for sentence.
      Non-parole period of 21 months
      Now listed for a Severity Appeal before the District Court Gosford on 15 September 2016
      1.12.2016 - Appeals dismissed. Term of imprisonment 28 months, non-parole of 21 months,
      released to supervised parole 31.8.2018.
Tasmania - Burnie arsonist of same name jailed here
       Further jail time here
NSW coalfields area - RFS probationary member admits to starting four bushfires here
Tasmania - Cleveland (Northern Midlands) man charged here
Tasmania - Longford arsonist faces court here
Tasmania - Longford former volunteer fighfighter turned arsonist sentenced here (3 pages)
Tasmania - Glenorchy former volunteer firefighter arsonist sentenced here
California - Former firefighter sentenced for arson a second time
Bushfire arson  - A review of the literature by the Australian Institute of Criminology  (170 pages)
WA - Former volunteer firefighter jailed for lighting Bedfordale bushfire
Tasmania - people-charged-after-north-west-fires
NSW - Former RFS volunteer Ricky Kenneth Ballard-Lestrange refused bail after allegedly lighting
two bushfires at Nabiac
             Former RFS volunteer jailed for a year.
Victoria - Volunteer firefighter jailed for a year after lighting fires as payback to CFA
Tasmania - Volunteer firefighter charged with arson over blaze at TFS fire station - 10.7.2017
Tasmania - Volunteer firefighter charged over allegedly lighting 18 fires - 14.7.2017
Tasmania - Volunteer firefighter accused of Oyster Cove arson - 14.7.2017
Tasmania - Primrose Sands. Arsonist Adam Daniel Patterson, a former volunteer fire fighter -
Various - 11.12.2019

To be continued.....
"OPEN BURNING is Subject to Environmental Regulations & Local Government By-Laws
& any restrictions in parks & reserves."


(Your smoke is your responsibility - EMPCA 1994)
Tas Fire Service 'permit' burns.
Couldn't believe it.

"If people are more careful with fire the loss and damage to possessions, property and the environment can be greatly reduced."

TFS is concerned with burns causing, "...loss or damage to possessions, property and the environment..."
There was no mention of protecting health or life while conducting deliberate burns.

"TFS role is to ensure that any guidelines for fire use do not increase the risk of fire escapes and consequent damage to community assets." - 29/9/2008

There was no link provided on this page to the Environmental Regulations, and this would mean EMPCA-1994.
The link provided for Local Government By-Laws took you to a page which just listed the 29 local council websites. It did not take you to a website detailing each council's by-laws.
It was happy hunting to find a by-law to mitigate smoke!
Using fire outdoors - from the TFS wesite
These burns are in addition to major burns conducted around the state by the the Forest Industries (government and private), Parks and Wildlife, and councils.

Outside the Fire Permit Period, burns are no longer counted as 'permit burns.'  The TFS encourages all burns over 2 ha to be registered with them so they can avoid unnecessary call outs. These burns are known as 'registered burns.'  Registration is not compulsory and it would seem there is no maximum size a burn can be. Registration can be current for months.

Although TFS claim, "Consideration should be given to environmental, social, and health concerns" and acknowledge, "Fire can have an impact on air quality" ( TFS- Fire Managing the Risk) these sanctioned burns do contribute much smoke to our airsheds.
TFS are members of the voluntary Smoke Management Working Group and they know this smoke is just as harmful as any other source of smoke.
Tasmania Fire Service
& other Fire Services
Compo deal for firefighters - yes they absolutely deserve it, but...
What happens to members of the general public who experience cancer-causing smoke day in and day out from deliberately lit planned burns., and the volunteer firefighters who are not included in this deal?
Tasmania has about 300 career firefighters, 5000 volunteer firefighters, and 500,000 people in the state.
There seem to be no controls on firefighters who decide to deliberately expose themselves to these harmful particulates. Firies are provided with personal protective equipment in the way of masks but some choose not to use them (and here). You also need to be clean shaven to wear the masks properly.
Work-related stress for fire fighter
Premier Will Hodgman commits to an inquiry 'after fires' - 4.2.2016
The terms of referrence should include health effects from the smoke, and the inquiry should not just be limited to the World Heritage Protection Area as smoke has no boundaries.
Real-time bushfire monitoring satellite warning system to be developed by Geoscience Australia
Check out Sentinel Hotspots to see if it locates the burns in progress!
Tassie fires linked to human-induced climate change, study finds 24.2.2016

Water bombers tackle fires. Here in Tasmania it is common practice to let fires burn and make smoke.
Listen to the song, "...they won't let me put out fires isn't that a shame..."
Here we play around with bambi buckets for days/weeks on end whilst the fires rage and people are put at risk.
We should be extinguishing fires this way and then go home.
Tasmania Fire Service calls for calm over smoke   "We light them we fight them"- see above.
TFS should be using smoke-less fuel reduction methods.
More fuel-reduction spin that ignores the health and climate change impacts of this out-dated burning practice. And HERE
On the 26/10/2015 at 1736hrs I took this photo in the Grindelwald/Bridgenorth planned burn area when I disturbed these birds and they took flight.  The biggest one is an eagle, the others are ravens (crows).   Eagles nests are protected.
And it was burnt HERE and HERE
Further information on the TFS fuel reduction unit burns can be found on the Forest Industries, Forico and  Parks and Wildlife pages.  There is $28.5 million to spend so they are all involved.
Pollutants go up in the flames
Planned burning and the effect on native wildlife.
Previous studies have shown feral cats can travel up to 20km to detect a fire where they will hunt.
"They'll feed there for about two weeks taking advantage picking off small animals, lizards and invertebrates"
The ones that aren't burnt to death in the planned burns are cleaned up by feral cats.
22 May 2014: $28m fuel reduction proposal - $0 extra for Health as a result
25 October 2014 - Sauer to take charge of state fire management

By ALEXANDRA HUMPHRIES - Examiner newspaper 25.10.2014

VOLUNTEER firefighter Ian Sauer will fill the chairman position on the State Fire Management Council.
Mr Sauer will oversee the roll out of the government's $28.5 million statewide fuel reduction program, which will use controlled burnoffs to ease bushfire risk in the state.
Mr Sauer said the program was based on science with a practical application.
"The whole plan is based on science, so that takes away a lot of the argument of the need to have a hazard reduction burning, but at the same time there's been an action plan in that," he said.
"Tasmania should be, I think, pleased and proud of what's been happening. The outcome of it all is going to be safer communities and safer assets in Tasmania."
With the burnoff season coming to a close, Mr Sauer said his position over summer would be education-based.
"My role over the next few months over the summer period will be liaising with a range of stakeholders including private landowners, making sure they're on board and making sure they understand," he said.
Emergency Services Minister Rene Hidding announced the appointment yesterday.
Mr Hidding said the bushfire at St Helens last week was an example of the program working, because the fire moved into a previously burnt-off area.
"Following the Dunalley bushfires it was found, formally, plus every landowner in Tasmania knew, we needed to do far more fuel reduction burns to protect Tasmania against those out-of-control wildfires that cost so many properties and can cost many lives" he said.
Editors note: Science says more people are dying from inhaling particle pollution in Tasmania than are being burnt to death by fire.

State Fire Management Council - Position Paper on the Management of Smoke arising from Prescribed Burning of Vegetation
UNSAFE WARNING generated when trying to access this information.

21 September 2015:   $1.3m more. From federal funding under National Bushfire Mitigation Program.
Fuel reduction burn near Grindelwald
Concerns were raised with TFS and with the media.     Alternate methods to burning should be used.
Fuel Reduction Unit - "most approppriate method" but haven't tried any alternatives.
30.3.2016 - Response to FRU on proposed Bridgenorth burns.
Burnoff policies could be damaging habitats for 100 years.
"Change the bash n’ burn mentality that achieves very little!"
Firies don't agree - an aggressive fuel reduction burn commences
8th October 2015:  Fuel reduction burn-offs halted.
10th October 2015: Fire Service calls halt after blazes
Tas Fire Service needs praise for quick response to burns. Smoke is kept to a minimum.
“Our whole intent today with the predicted conditions was to respond to any fires rapidly with heavy resources to keep them small, enabling us to limit the damage and fully extinguish the fires quickly” - Station Officer Andrew Emery
So what happened here?
Joel Wright - "The language of fire."
Did Australian Aboriginals burn as we are told?

Fuel reduction and ecological burning etc. are based on the assumption that all Aboriginal people undertook fire-stick farming. Joel Wright, traditional owner in southwest Victoria, is an indigenous language, culture and history researcher. He finds no evidence of wide-scale burning in Aboriginal language and culture.
Click on the image above to watch the video
Tas Fire Service - 2018 Final report into their Fire Permit System
Calculation of critical water flow rates for wildfire suppression - What water is required to put out a bushfire
Tas Fire Service, Parks and Wildlife, Sustainable Timber Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government all apologise for their deliberate cancer causing smoke.
Wood smoke is 12 times more likely to cause cancer than the same amount of tobacco smoke"- William Pryor, PhD, University of Louisiana,
Don't fight fire with Fire - Fight fires with water - aggressively in the early stage with sufficient water to put them out!
Response to Tasmanian fires in early 2019
An independent review of Tasmania's management of the devastating summer bushfires has found inadequacies in the response to a fire burning near Geeveston, and reveals crews withdrew from the Gell River fire in Tasmania's south-west on the mistaken belief it was out.
Fires in Australia pop up in places already burned.
Fires that span across the Northern Territory and Western Australia appear to have broken out in areas that have already been burned in previous fires - two years earlier.
Higher than normal amount of rain this past season allowed the plants and trees that fuel fires to become even more overgrown and subject to becoming fire fodder.
Letters to the editor | September 18, 2019

Firefighting Techniques
AFTER viewing the Queensland and NSW fires on TV I'm impressed by the wholehearted response by land-based brigades.
I am very unimpressed by the airborne firefighting effort. To see small helicopters and adapted crop sprayers as the main contingent is, frankly, pitiful.
Even more so when they're grounded by high wind. Land-based firefighting, reliant on trucks, is restricted by road access.
Airborne fire fighting is limitless. For over 30 years now, other fire-prone nations have incorporated serious, purpose-built aircraft in services specifically equipped and trained and aimed at firefighting.
These aircraft still exist, notably, the upgraded Canadair CL 415 and the new Russian Be 200, both with the ability to scoop from bodies of water in quantities that make crop dusters seem pitiful. And they avoid the ground-based replenishment to which other aircraft have to conform.
In the 1990s, a Canadair was tested in service conditions in Australia and passed with flying colours. And that was it.
As often urged, what is needed is a nationally based aerial firefighting organisation, on-call by land-based units.
The present RAAF would be a good starting point as other nations have special fire fighting squadrons in their air forces.
I suspect that many RAAF pilots would certainly prefer to serve in these.
Despite deniers, often given space in this newspaper, it's self-evident that climate change will alter our ways of life.
High time that governments became serious and planned to combat the disasters that are on their way. And aerial firefighting is a good way to start.
Mike Adams, Swan Bay.
20.9.2019 - Tasmania remote area firefighting suspension could be resolved by summer
It means that only Parks and Wildlife can deploy their remote area firefighters, and assistance could be called in from the mainland if a fire escalates beyond the PWS capabilities.
The United Firefighters Union has been pushing for a resolution since the ban came into place, fearing the lack of specialist TFS remote area teams could place the community at risk if a fire season similar to 2018/19 occurs.
As fire seasons overlap in Australia and California, sharing resources will only get harder
Mr Mullins is one of 23 former senior emergency figures trying to get the Australian Government to listen to their concerns about climate change and the missing capacity to fight fires in a new era.
"Their air force of 23 — one fire service, 23 fixed-wing water bombers — we have one in NSW," he said.

How does a bushfire begin and spread, and what happens to the environment once it's moved through.
Pyromania does not get a mention in this article
Fire, whether from natural causes or deliberate from planned burns, creates a flammable landscape which has the potential to burn more.
The less burning the better for all of us. We need to remove build-up by other means and to extinguish fires quickly with sufficient resources as they occur.

ABC The Drum 13.11.2019. Click on the pic above to watch the video (not in Internet Explorer) starting at 31 minutes into the program.
Fuel reduction BURNING is not the answer. This area burnt just 5 years ago.
7 million people in Australia have asthma or allergies.
ABC The Drum 13.11.2019. Click on the pic to download the grab.
Fire Ecologist & Geographer Prof David Bowman says,  "...who cares whether we achieve FUEL MANAGEMENT with burning, fuel management can be achieved with brushcutters, fuel management can be achieved with goats." ( 16Mb)
21.10.2013 - And here is a further ABC video
Prof Bowman on  LateLine with Emma Alberici
This is how most bushfires in Australia start, and how we know
Meg McGowan firefighter's wife speaks out -10 Sunday Project    (7 Minutes)
Magpie imitates fire sirens
Emergency chiefs vow to have summit with or without PM
January 2020 NSW Fire Chief - Prescribed Burning is NOT the panacea.  And HERE
                  Qld Fire Chief rejects criticism on shortfall in hazard reduction burns
                         Victorian CFA Chief says calls for more burns emotional load of rubbish
Originally published on ABC AM 14.1.2020
Aboriginal historian wants more trees cut to prevent bushfires
Just 4 big trees to the acre.
A surprising answer to a hot question: controlled burns often fail to slow a bushfire
Cool burning forum in Exeter - 19.1.2020
Cool burning reduces a bushfire's damage by clearing natural waste materials in a small area, such as dead foliage, and promoting plant rejuvenation during the early dry season.
Bushfire royal commission hears that Black Summer smoke killed nearly 450 people.
Associate Professor Fay Johnston, from the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, said her team estimated around 445 people died as a result of the smoke, over 3,000 people were admitted to hospital for respiratory problems and 1,700 people presented for asthma.
Hazard reduction burning does not remove the threat of fires.
Read the facts - click on the Climate Council graphic above
Australian Bushfire & Climate Plan
The bushfire threat has escalated. So must our response.
Over June and July 2020, Emergency Leaders for Climate Action (ELCA) hosted Australia’s first virtual bushfire and climate change summit to coordinate a national response to the Australian climate and bushfire crises. The 2020 National Bushfire and Climate Summit brought together hundreds of participants from across the country, and the world, to share their experiences, and to formulate recommendations to address the worsening risk of devastating bushfires fuelled by climate change. The Australian Bushfire and Climate Plan is the culmination of that effort.
Read all 165 recommendations by downloading a copy of the Bushfire & Climate Plan Here
The Verdict From Experts - There is no sidestepping Climate

Greg Mullins, Lee Johnson, Craig Lapsley, Mike Brown, Naomi Brown, Peter Dunn – Emergency Leaders For Climate Action
30 Oct 2020 - Climate change fuelled the Black Summer bushfires, and we have entered into an era of severe consequences for our inaction on climate change.
The Federal Government must adopt every single one of the recommendations in this report, and act on the root cause of worsening bushfires in Australia by taking urgent steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
13/1/ 2021 | The Mercury,
A BUSHFIRE that burned through hectares of bush at Broadmarsh on Monday was caused when a Tas­Networks contractor felled a live power line with explosives during a total fire ban. The 6ha fire near Andersons Road was reported at 2.40pm on Monday as parts of the state faced severe or very high fire danger and temperatures of up to 37C.
Crews battled high winds to bring the fire under control, using helicopters and planes to dump water. Local residents are demanding answers about why explosives were being used in the open on a day when a total fire ban was in place. “There are a lot of angry people up here demanding answers and they want TasNetworks to come here and explain themselves,” a local resident said. “Workplace Safety should be involved, too, to find out exactly what happened. “A lot of people are still getting over the trauma of fires last year. “To use gelignite while there is a total fire ban in place is totally reckless. “That fire only had to go over one hill to reach the township and it’s just lucky it was brought under control so quickly.
“This place is a tinderbox every summer.” TasNetworks said “a contractor working on our behalf was excavating rock at Broadmarsh, to replace a condemned power pole.
“During that work, it ­appears the foundation of a power pole was disturbed. “The power lines came into contact with trees and ignited a small vegetation fire.
“TFS was alerted immediately, and is investi­gating. We’re assisting that investigation.” Work practices such as grinding, welding and cutting metal in the open are not permitted during total fire ban days.
Using explosives is not specifically mentioned on the Tasmania Fire Service website.
TasNetworks head of network operations Jason King said the company was co-operating with the investigation into the fire.
“Safety is our top priority,” Mr King said.
“We take extra measures and restrict our activities during total fire bans. “We’re supporting the TFS investigation into Monday’s incident at Broadmarsh, and take it very seriously.” Comment was sought from the Tasmania Fire ­Service.
State Fire Management Council
Fuel Reduction Program
Around 42 per cent of the state has vegetation that is suitable for fuel reduction burning, or approximately 2.5 million hectares.
Sonic fire extinguisher puts out flames with sound.
Engineers Australia
The sonic fire extinguisher by two final-year undergraduate engineering students, Seth Robertson and Viet Tran, uses sound waves spread through a mobile subwoofer gun to put out flames, rather than the chemical compounds used by traditional fire extinguishers.
Tran and Robertson says the technology could eventually be used to equip fleets of drones to combat fires.
Red Hot Tips promised money
By the name and past performance we are talking lighting fires.
Fuel reduction does not mean we burn first. There are other methods for fuel reduction which do not produce smoke.
How much money has been put into these other methods?
Hazard reduction burning does not remove the threat of fires.
Read the facts - click on the Climate Council graphic above
So there really is no reason to let our fires keep burning.
Put them out and put them out fast with water bombers
This sums it up…
In places like California where more populated areas are threatened, Coulson said, there is a stronger sense of urgency to throw everything at a fire — including [air] tankers. This is what they should be doing anyway, put fires out fast.

“Small helicopters with 300- or 400-gallon tanks don’t have big impacts on big wildfires,” he said. “They may be good for spot fires, but on the big ones, you’ve got to kill them quickly.
Don't our helicopters use bambi buckets, or crop duster size aircraft on our bushfires?

“In places like the Los Angeles Basin with 18 million people in three counties,
we can get a call out for a fire at 2:30 a.m. and by 4:30 a.m. we’re done.”

More: How to snuff a fire out and stop the smoke
And if you don't extinguish a small fire this is what can happen....
Anatomy of a wildfire: How the Dixie Fire became
the largest blaze of a devastating summer

Check out the timeline, based on public records and interviews with people affected by the Dixie Fire.
This is exactly what happens when a small fire is not extinguished and allowed to burn!
Cool Burning in Tasmania - Good and Bad?
Cool burning creates smoke because of incomplete combustion.
In his journals in 1770 Captain James Cook described the land (Eastern Australia) as “a continent of smoke” and noted that “we saw smoke by day or fires by night wherever we came”.
Science now tells us this smoke, any smoke, is very harmful and shortens lives.
7 Nightly News video – 28.9.2021
Initial Attack
How one Forest had 120 fires in the last two years but only burned a total of 70 acres
Fires are being put out small. Crews are going around with smiles on their faces.
He went on to point out that by backing off and slacking off, these fires go way big and expose crews to thousands of miles of road trips—often when exhausted–thousands of helicopter rides into unimproved helispots and tens of thousands of miles of fireline with burning trees and snags.”
Goats instead of burning
"So we have recruited goats to undertake hazard reduction grazing trials to evaluate their effectiveness and continue mitigation works to further prepare this fire season." - Shellie Smyth
'Catastrophic': Hazard reduction burn review after wildlife deaths
A hazard reduction burn is under review after kangaroos were discovered with horrific injuries three weeks after their forest was incinerated.
Four kangaroos were euthanised and three others are being monitored after fires were lit under the guidance of the Department of Conservation (DBCA) in a nature reserve at Perup, 300km south of Perth.
Are we burning in ignorance?
This corner of Australia is recognised as a biodiversity hotspot. Now scientists are warning it’s becoming collateral damage from WA’s prescribed burn regime.
6/1/2022 - Aerial firefighting fleet bolstered - Download 24Kb Word file
The total firefighting aircraft available in Tasmania is 32. This will ensure a rapid response to bushfires when they start, keeping fires small until ground crews arrive.
Myths of Prescribed Fire: The Watering Can that Pretends to be a River
A central myth is that increasing prescribed fire will lead to less fire and smoke overall. Proponents of prescribed fire highlight examples where a portion of a wildfire halted when it encountered a previously burned area, but these anecdotes are the exception rather than the rule. The reality is that wildfires can burn through previously burned areas as soon as eight months after the prior fire (Stephens and Moghaddas 2005)
WA Rents Firefighting Aircraft to Fight Climate Change-Driven Bushfire Threat - 1.05Mb download
The West Australian government will spend $11 million to rent a large air tanker after having to borrow aircraft from the eastern states during the most recent "extraordinary" bushfire season.
The large air tanker can drop 15,000 litres of retardant at once.

Click to enlarge
Dry conditions in Tasmania
Seven Nightly News - 11.8.2023     Click on the pic (18.2Mb)
2023 - ABC video - Click on the above graphic
2023/24 BUSHFIRE SEASON in Tasmania
Details on fire bombing aircraft, where they are located, what day they will start and end their contract.

Further Down Under Aviation News
12.02.2024 - "On Monday, fire authorities quickly deployed their fleet of waterbombing planes to extinguish the blaze — a demonstration of how fires will be fought in Tasmania under its new bushfire plan." - ABC News.

Since then fires have not ben extinguished across the state they have continued to burn for a considerable amount of time.
Why,when we have the resources to act quickly?
18.3.2024  ABC Mornings with Kylie Baxter 


Kylie raises the point  notifying neighbours when you are about to burn, ie if they have washing on their line.
If washing gets smoked and then you take it inside it stinks, but worse than this the smoke fine particulates (what smoke is mostly made up of)contaminate any soft furnishings.
If you put a child in smoked bedding that child will be breathing toxic particulates. The particulates will drop off onto carpets, etc. and if your child plays on the carpet they will again be breathing these toxins.
It is best to keep smoke and its stink outdoors.
Same with the wood smoke. If it gets indoors the particulates can drop out of the air through what is know as the 'sink effect' again contaminating any soft furnishings.
Wood smoke is an asthma trigger and a Group 1 carcinogen.
29.4.2024 - New Fire Permits.   Click on the pic
December 12 2024 - Aerial Fire Fleet arrives in Tasmania and AI eyes protect plantations
21.12.2024 - Tasmania has received 15 dedicated aircraft from the NAFC fleet, to be managed locally by the Tasmania Fire Service