Cultural burning
“All the areas we burned last year, didn’t burn this year,”
he tells The Fifth Estate.
Of course, and they most likely would not have burnt last year if they were not set on fire.
Each and everyone of us must be custodians of our air.
Cultural burning is optional. Breathing is not.
When you can't breathe nothing else matters.
What we now know after 60,000 years is....
"Every single disease that is non-communicable is impacted by air pollution.
It is not only involved in worsening diseases but in causing them, and new diseases that would not otherwise occur are happening because of air pollution." - Sir Stephen Holgate, National Clean Air Conference Nov. 20/21
Joel Wright - "The language of fire."
Did Australian Aboriginals burn as we are told?

Fuel reduction and ecological burning etc. are based on the assumption that all Aboriginal people undertook fire-stick farming. Joel Wright, traditional owner in southwest Victoria, is an indigenous language, culture and history researcher. He finds no evidence of wide-scale burning in Aboriginal language and culture.
Click on the image above to watch the video
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In his journals in 1770 Captain James Cook described the land (Eastern Australia) as “a continent of smoke” and noted that “we saw smoke by day or fires by night wherever we came”.
So whichever it was, science now tells us cool burning or cultural burns, produce much smoke from incomplete combustion.
This smoke is very harmful and shortens lives.
Is this what we, or our overstretched health departments, want us to go back to?
20.02.2012 -Tasmanian ABC News:
"There has got to be an understanding that people who complain about smoke have a legitimate case, the medical science is on their side now." - Professor
David Bowman.

13.11.2019 - ABC The Drum. Click on the pic to download the grab.
Fire Ecologist & Geographer Prof David Bowman says"...who cares whether we achieve FUEL MANAGEMENT with burning, fuel management can be achieved with brushcutters, fuel management can be achieved with goats." ( 16Mb)

21.10.2013 - And here is a further ABC video
Prof Bowman on LateLine with Emma Alberici  (9Mb)
21.11.2022 - Email to Hon. Linda Jean Burney
                      Minister for Indigenous Australians
08.03.2023 - Response from Hon Linda Burney
01.12.2022 - Email to Roger Jaensch MP
                     Tas. Liberal Member for Braddon
                     Minister for Education, Children and Youth
                     Minister for Environment and Climate Change
                     Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
                     Minister for Parks
What we now know after 60,000 years is....
'Outdoor air pollution [is] a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths'. - IARC 17/10/2013.
The specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), announced today that it has classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).
After thoroughly reviewing the latest available scientific literature, world leading experts convened by the IARC Monographs Programme concluded that there is sufficient evidence that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer (Group 1, the highest classification).
They also noted a positive association with an increased risk of bladder cancer.
Particulate matter, a major component of outdoor air pollution, was evaluated separately and was also classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).
NOTE: Similar Group 1 carcinogens are asbestos, arsenic, formaldehyde, and mustard gas.
15.10.2021 - Aboriginal Fire Rangers completed their first cultural burn
Why  are we still using our air as an open sewer?
No protective P2/N95 respirators, not clean shaven.
It is sad, who is training these guys?
We know when you can't breathe nothing else matters.
Fire stick farming, indigenous burning, cultural burning, cool burning, it doesn't matter what term it is given, it produces a lot of smoke through incomplete combustion.
Tas is only a small place, about 320Km x 320Km.
Carcinogenic PM2.5s can travel over a 1000Km and stay airborne for a week.
"Particulate pollution is the most important contaminant in our air...We
know that when levels go up people die." -  Joel Schwartz, Harvard School
of Public Health, E Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2002.
Click on the pic to download a short video grab
from ABC TV News 20/1/2023
If cigarette smoke is bad then how is any other smoke ok?
It is not OK. Breathing this smoke is harmful.
Why would you deliberately want to breathe it?
People must stop blowing smoke in other people's faces.
Smoldering eucalyptus demonstrated the greatest lung toxicity
of all the fuels tested.
Why would you deliberately want to breathe it?
What is a smoking Ceremony
"There has got to be an understanding that people who complain about smoke have a legitimate case, the medical science is on their side now." - Professor David Bowman, Tasmania. -
ABC News Feb. 20, 2012.
We all must learn about the harm wood smoke can cause to ourselves and others. There is no safe level of particulate matter.
Almost every time we see aboriginals on TV they are 'playing' with fire and breathing smoke. It really worries me for aboriginal health.
We know indigenous Australians  are dying 8 years younger as a result in many cases of diseases which can be linked to wood smoke.

This is what the science tells us.
Air pollution and PM2.5 are carcinogenic - WHO 2013
The island of Lutruwita/Tasmania is Aboriginal Land.
Our sovereignty was not, and never will be, ceded."

Does this mean every land in the world that has changed hands  the original 'owners' can now claim 'ownership' and it has to be handed back?
How would this work?
Aboriginal Cultural Burning in Tasmania

5.4% of population - 2021 ABS population summary

Aboriginal Project Burning Officer

Information sheet

Neighbours can protect wine industry

Aboriginal burning
Not thinking about the health of ALL Tasmanians and our animals?
1/4/2023 - ABC News video - Click on the pic - 15Mb  .wmv download
The extraordinary rise of 'welcome to country' - and how an awkward stand-off led to Ernie Dingo re-introducing the tradition just 46 YEARS ago.
The modern format of the traditional ritual dates back less than 50 years
It was created by Richard Walley and Ernie Dingo's Aboriginal theatre troupe
“Ernie Dingo's dance troupe came up with the impromptu new routine in 1976 after an awkward stand-off with Maori and Cook Islanders who refused to perform at an arts festival until they were ritually welcomed.”

"When you see a smoking ceremony happening, it is a gift from the aboriginal people to all people in Australia so make sure you go to the smoke and wave it over you and cleanse the past for a better future."
No thanks this smoke is harmful and not welcome.
Photo credit: taken from the website listed below:
There are two pathways available for people, companies, and government agencies to buy or invest in Cultural Fire Credits. Both pathways are processed in the same way, through the Catalyst Markets trading platform.
So, when you invest in Cultural Fire Credits, you’re investing, supporting, and helping to empower Indigenous communities to take the lead in caring for the health and wellbeing of the land.
[Not the people who are forced to breathe the smoke from these cool burns].
Photo credit: Royal Australian Air Force.
Click on the pic to download an email sent to the RAAF  (657Kb)
St John of God Richmond Hospital
Click on the pic to download the video (1.08Mb)
Video credit: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1027474801997388

Photo credit: taken from the article. Click to view.
Cultural burns (cool burning) are smoky burns
Video credit: Birkenburn Farm - click on the pic to watch
'LIGHT the FIRE'  (18 seconds)
PM2.5  and  AIR POLLUTION  are Group 1 carcinogens according to the World Health Organisation
ABC COMPASS Series 37 Episode 19 - Central Music
3.24Mb video.   Click to view.
The following videos are in .WMV format for Windows.
Downloading free VLC Media Player or free PlayerExtreme  is an option for other devices
There is no such thing as good smoke
All smoke is harmful when breathed.
Click on the above picture to hear what Senator Rennick has to say
“First Nations people have a significant asthma burden in comparison to non-Indigenous Australians, being twice as likely to have asthma and more than twice as likely to die from asthma…”

First nations people have been setting fire to the landscape for many years. These so-called cool burns are smoky burns because of incomplete combustion. Then they talk about “good smoke” at welcome to country ceremonies.
Sadly, these people are now paying the price through inflammation and wood smoke caused genetic mutations.

Wood smoke is an asthma trigger. Why do these people want to keep playing with fire and deliberately breathing wood smoke?
Of course, by breathing smoke the incidence of asthma/COPD will be higher.

There is no good smoke. Asthma Australia must become a lobby group to stop wood smoke at the source.

Letter to the Editor - 2024

Congratulations to all the Australia Day award recipients.

Yalmay Yunupi
?u was named 2024’s Senior Australian of the year.
Yalmay stressed the importance of teaching in ‘both worlds’.
She made mention of health needs of Aboriginal Australians
“Two million of our people are diagnosed with chronic preventable diseases such as kidney failure, heart disease, cancer and many more illnesses. Our people are sick and dying, young and old.”
“Unfortunately, Western medicine is not working on its own. We can’t do this on our own. We need your help. To work together.”

Professor Georgina Long and Professor Richard Scolyer were named 2024 Australians of the Year for their melanoma/cancer work.
There is nothing healthy about a tan — nothing. Our bronzed Aussie culture is actually killing us," Long said.

So we must work together to help Yalmay’s people. There is nothing healthy – nothing, in their culture of playing with fire or deliberately dousing themselves in disease-causing wood smoke.
She is right. Many of their diseases are preventable. As with tanning are they prepared to give it up?

So, sun tanning we are told can kill those who do it.
If cultural smoke can harm people it is now time to give it up
.22.5.2024 - Armidale NSW Smoking Ceremonies
We can all change.
7.2.2024 - This applies to everybody and all of us.
A passenger bus in Launceston, Tasmania
Eucalyptus leaves are deeply connected to Indigenous spiritual health practices, as one of the leaves often being burned in smoking ceremonies.

But look at this....

"To evaluate lung toxicity....in terms of the mass of fuel consumed smoldering eucalyptus demonstrated the greatest lung toxicity of all the fuels tested.
...smoke from flaming eucalyptus and peat was the most toxic to the lungs."
How do we avoid all the toxic smoke from cool burning?
26.7.2024 - Cultural smoke is harmful (11Mb MP4)