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Landmark decision to protect present and future generations:
Judge Hill in Washington State recognizes Constitutional and Public Trust Rights.     
Announces it is the Washington Department of Ecology's Legal Duty to Protect Atmosphere
for Present and Future Generations.
Press Release: Legal Duty to Protect Atmosphere for Present and Future Generations
Court Decision:
Surely no child should have to breathe air that could kill them.
Download the latest  2021 air quality guidelines - (AQG)
put out by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
"Particulate pollution is the most important contaminant in our air...We
know that when levels go up people die." -  Joel Schwartz, Harvard School
of Public Health, E Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2002.
"There has got to be an understanding that people who complain about smoke
have a legitimate case, the medical science is on their side now." - Professor
David Bowman, Tasmania. ABC News Feb. 20, 2012.  And,
Fire Ecologist & Fire Geographer Prof David Bowman says who cares whether
we achieve fuel management with burning, fuel management can be achieved
with brushcutters or goats - First published on ABC The Drum 13.11.2019.
“ don’t necessarily get away from air pollution by being further from the
sources” - Helen ApSimon, professor of air pollution studies at Imperial College
e.g. Australia's January 2020 bush fire smoke covered parts of New Zealand.
"Outdoor air pollution a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths." - IARC 17/10/2013.
The specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC), announced today that it has classified outdoor air pollution
as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).
After thoroughly reviewing the latest available scientific literature, world leading experts
convened by the IARC Monographs Programme concluded that there is sufficient evidence
that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer (Group 1). They also noted a
positive association with an increased risk of bladder cancer.
Particulate matter, a major component of outdoor air pollution, was evaluated separately
and was also classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).
NOTE: Similar Group 1 carcinogens are asbestos, arsenic, formaldehyde, and mustard gas.
"Tragically only half of  "all women diagnosed with lung cancer are alive one  year
after diagnosis.
"Lung cancer has a five-year survival rate  of just 16 percent" - American Lung Association
"Air pollution is a "silent killer" and is unique in that it affects the entire population"
- Dr. Michael Brauer, professor, school of population and public health, University of
British Columbia.
Wood smoke is primarily made up of particulate matter, i.e. PM2.5 and PM10.
The  World Health Organisation's IARC has declared particulate matter as a class 1
carcinogen, just the same as arsenic, asbestos, formaldehyde and mustard gas to name a
few nasties.
Now you wouldn't breathe those in for any duration would you so why are you happy to
breathe deliberate wood smoke from any source?
It is up to you to speak up.
Burning causes a flamable landscape.
The more you burn the more you will have to burn.
Bushfires, wildfires, plannedburns, prescribed fire convert our landscape to be fire
tolerant. It is the fire loving plants that come back first.
Others sometimes never come back!
Rapid attack with sufficient resources must be used to completely put fires out when
they start.
Exposure to air pollution increases violent crime rates, study finds
The team found strong links between short-term exposure to air pollution and aggressive behaviour.
Nearly all the fire on earth has been ignited by humans.
At its core, wildfire is a human problem.
98% of all wildfires are caused by humans
- (34Kb download)
Where ever you are in the world you need clean air to breathe.
When you can't breathe nothing else matters.
P2 or N95 Particulate filters on their own will not remove gases, chemicals or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).     And,
Activated-carbon filters on their own will not remove fine particulates.
This is why the respirator you use for bushfire smoke should have both a carbon filter for the gases and a P2 filter for the particulates.
3M recommends their 9923V model for bushfire smoke.

Disclaimer: People reading health related information on should work out what is best for them and act accordingly.
(United States NIOSH-42CFR84), FFP2 (Europe EN 149-2001),
KN95 (China GB2626-2006),
P2 (Australia/New Zealand AS/NZA 1716:2012),
Korea 1st  class (Korea KMOEL - 2017-64)
DS2 (Japan JMHLW-Notification 214, 2018), PFF2 (ABNT/NBR 13.698-2011 – Brazil)
Tasmania has been known to put forestry before health
"Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Indoor and outdoor air quality           Click on the logo
Understanding air pollution and your lung health
Air pollution can affect everyone’s health. Outdoor air pollution is linked to health impacts and no level of air pollution is safe to breathe. Lung Foundation Australia is committed to working for clean air to support and protect lung health for all Australians.
Pyromania is a disease.
Stop deliberate ambient smoke at the source
There is no other way to fix our toxic health problems.

Treat the few with pyromania and most of these other diseases won't be a problem.
Sir Stephen Holgate, Professor of Immunopharmacology and a respiratory physician


Feb 4, 2025 -
      TO BE FIXED.
  But when?- ABC NEWS

COVID is present in ward 3D (dementia and stroke ward) @ Launceston General Hospital


Very large water bombing aircraft brought in

BEWARE: Not all P2 respirators are the same
Not all masks are suitable for smoke &
Not all masks give protection against viruses
Baggy blue surgical masks will not stop viruses or smoke.
They only have a filtration factor of 30% meaning you are breathing 70% unfiltered air or much greater with gaping gaps up the side where they do not mate to the face.
Tasmania's Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Smoke) Regulations 2019
cleanairtas pays respect to all who have earned it.
Photo credit: unknown
Environmental justice is defined as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies” - US EPA
Current air quality