The Tasmanian forest industry feels it satisfies it's smoke obligation by posting a daily map of it's proposed deliberate burns for the day on the internet.
When any private forest companies burn, their burns disappear. They do not appear on the 'burning now' map. How good is that?
Tasmania is hiding its burns from the public.
Not everybody has access to the internet, and those who do can not keep  'logging' on (excuse the pun) to their site all day in case there are updates. Why should the general public, and in particular susceptible groups, have to have their lives run and ruined by forestry polluting our air with their waste?
Forestry has had to publicly defend it's actions for smoking out Tasmania by admitting they got their "air modelling wrong".
Even when they "get it right" Tasmanian's still have to breathe their smoke.
In Tasmania it is impossible to predict wind direction. The wind quite often blows to all four points of the compass in one day. If a burn is lit in the morning, later in the day large communities are being smoked out. There are many burns alight at once and the burns last for days and cannot be extinguished. The Bureau of Meterology acknowledges the short comings of smoke modelling with all methods available to us at this time.

Forestry's aim is to put the maximum amount of smoke they can into an airshed. They do not worry about what other burns are taking place in the state at the time.
The forest industry claims they have to burn. They say:
"Fire is a vital and necessary part of the life cycle of Tasmania's eucalypt forests and by conducting these burns we are mimicking the natural process.,"
This is absolute nonsense. Forestry are burning on a  much shorter rotation than any natural fire could occur.

Then there was this...

It was reported in the Mercury newspaper (3/9/2008) by Forestry Tasmania’s assistant general manager Michael Wood that the fuel wood being transported to Japan would have just been burnt. He claims there could be up to a million tonnes a year of this fuel wood spread across Tasmania.

Bob Gordon states in the same article,”… instead of wood in forests being burnt to create a seedbed for eucalypts..” he would like to see it feeding wood fired power stations.

What does this tell us?
That these so called forestry regeneration burns are not regeneration burns at all. They are forestry operation residue burns or rubbish burns because if they can send the wood to Japan or use it in power stations then they are now stating there is no need for eucalypt forests to be regenerated by fire, there is no need for an ash seedbed, there is no need for smoke!.
Forestry Tasmania's Fire Management branch manager Tony Blanks said the burns were expected to run throughout the Autumn.
Forestry do not have to burn. Plantation seedlings are raised in nurseries, so why all the smoke?
TONY BLANKS: "So it means that even though we generate smoke, we can't absolutely guarantee that there will be a direct benefit as a result of it."- ABC Stateline 20/8/2010

The forest industry claims the burns are "regeneration burns."
The burns being done are mostly residue burns, not regeneration burns. Forestry are burning rubbish left behind after they have logged or cleared an area. In other words forestry can not even clean up their own mess, without making another mess. 
In haste to replant, the forest industry sets fire to their residue when a lot of it is still green.
What is "cost shifting? Cost shifting is when forestry perform residue burns to save themselves money, and then transfers the associated cost onto our health system, community, environment, and so on.
There is no reason to burn or to produce harmful smoke when other cleaner alternatives exist.
The Forest Practices Code states, "Care should be taken to ensure that emissions of smoke, dust or noise from forest operations do not cause serious or material environmental harm under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act.1994."
Because of the public outcry over forestry smoke, there were plans afoot to introduce a permit system for burns in 2009, ie to stagger the burns.
If the same area is to be burnt, this would have the effect of lengthening the burning season. It  would also create a not-so-visable smoke haze all the time, meaning people would be breathing harmful smoke without knowing it for extended periods and this is a very serious matter for everyone.

This would be like giving a smoker 100 cigarettes in one hit and telling them not to smoke them all at once!
The forest industry needs to go back to school to learn their three R's.
There  is a big difference between Reduction, Regeneration and Residue/Rubbish burns.
Most of the smoke we are breathing comes from forestry Residue.
Planned Burns must stop completely. There are other smokeless methods available to forestry to get rid of their Rubbish.
Planned clearing does not mean planned burning.
Deforestation practices in Tasmania cause harmful air pollution.
Even their own National Association of Forest Industries say don't open burn.
Go here to read what other methods are available.
Forestry pollution figures in 2008 were way under-estimated - EPA
Smoke levels across Tasmania could be substantially reduced by curtailing the constant, deliberate burning of rainforests, which rarely burn naturally.
24/4/2010 - Forestry Tas apologises for smoke
       Sore eyes, lungs and head
26/7/2010 - Smoke complaints to FPA for 2009 & 2010 (8.1 Mb)
Participating burners in the FPA's Co-ordinated Smoke Management Strategy trial.
This trial is not compulsory.
It has failed to deliver clean air each year.
People have still suffered severe smoke inhalation. Why?
Pernicious Smoke - 16Mb .avi file
The burn lasted for days
Right to Information
Here are Forestry Tasmania's burns for earlier in 2010
Here are the private forestry burns but you will notice how FT claim these industries do not have to state whether the planned burns were actually lit.
GunnsAGM25.11.10a.jpg (112781 bytes)
Clive Stott takes his clean air message to private forest industry Gunns Ltd's AGM on the 25/11/2010
Gunns were proposing to build a 2.5 billion dollar pulp mill in the Tamar Valley.

If it was natural for human beings and other forms of life to breathe wood smoke we would all be born with hospital-grade filters attached to our air intakes." - Clive M.Stott 2013

"Allowing Forestry Tasmania to be in charge of ‘fuel reduction’ burns is like letting kids loose in a lolly shop!"
Back to top
The plannedburntas website shows the forestry burns planned for the day. The Forestry Tasmania (FT) burns that were lit go onto another map. The private forest burns that were lit are not available to the public.
The Forest  Industries
Because the Bureau of Meterology says smoke modelling has problems
As cleanairtas has always said, these are not regeneration burns as claimed.
The reason Forestry Tasmania burns  is to reduce fuel loads in their production forests, i.e., to get rid of their waste by burning it.

The smoke is suffocating - Miranda Gibson and the Observer Tree : Day 127
Camouflaged mobile phone tower in the USA.
Try chipping this one!
There has not been a Review of the Fire Managent Smoke Dispersal Guidelines since 2011 according to the FPA.
Go here to see why
June30 2013 to June 30 2014 - Forestry Tas says: We conducted 177 planned regeneration and fuel reduction burns.
Go here to view FT's interactive map of deliberate burns and chemical applications.

The future for biomass energy from our native forests

Burning wood increases global warming more than coal
Minister claims emissions have reduced 90% - Timber harvesting is the problem
March 10 2015 - Forestry Tasmania's 150 burns are to be sneaked in with TFS fuel reduction burns
Clear-fell burns clash with global climate concerns
New logging link to global climate change
Air Pollution or Smoking. Which is worse?   A letter from Dr Pope
Logging can greatly increase fire severity for 50 years!
Click on the picture above for the ABC story
See the article, photographs and comments HERE
The protest followed on from Clive Stott's smoke flare being set off in the Environment Minister's office  HERE
A day in the life of Tasmanian forests
Event to Protest Forestry Firestorms
‘In 2017 alone Forestry Tasmania burnt more than 3500 hectares of Tasmanian forests after logging, releasing 2.4 million tonnes of C02 into Earth’s atmosphere,’ Jenny Weber said.
‘Every Autumn, Forestry Tasmania burns whatever’s left after industrial logging has destroyed vast tracts of our island’s magnificent forests. These firestorms are an outdated tool used to engineer the forest, killing off the rainforest species and wildlife habitat that make Tasmania’s native forests so unique,’
Then watch the old video Two Visions
Death by Euphemism -  How the Forest Service cons us into thinking "prescribed" burning is good for us
Video - Koalas killed by logging, then burnt in post-logging planned burns no doubt
Forestry Minister Jakarta: Corporations behind forest fires
Interesting articles from Prof. David Lindenmayer -
The Fenner School of Environment and Society – ANU.
Logging burns conceal industrial pollution in the name of "community safety"
June 2018 - Image taken In Westerway by Andrew Kellett and Bert Lawatsch
Push the kids into the gutter. Cross over onto the wrong side of the road!
Story HERE
Smouldering eucalypt smoke is the most toxic of all tested
How does forest logging increase fire risk and climate change?
STT Regen Burns for 2019   Rebadged Forestry Tasmania, a government business enterprise.
"The only factor to keep in mind is that the size of the burn is not necessarily an indicator of the smoke produced because not all treated area is burnt. In addition, other factors such as weather conditions, fuel conditions and the intensity of the fire will determine the amount of smoke produced. 

Burns will be conducted when conditions are suitable (including weather and site conditions and smoke dispersal) and therefore the timing of burns is not known well in advance due to the accuracy of long range weather forecasting."
Forico Burns - 2019
"Fire-spotting people might be old technolgy but it still works well."
So why are our fires not put out in their infancy and left to burn and smoke?
The head of the fire should be attacked aggressively in its early stages until it is out.
Click on the photo to read the ABC report.
We estimated that 14 premature deaths (95% confidence interval [CI], 5–23), 29 cardiovascular hospitalisations (95% CI, 5–53) and 58 respiratory hospitalisations (95% CI, 0–124) were attributable to smoke from hazard reduction burning on the six smoky days.
Simulating the effectiveness of prescribed burning at altering wildfire behaviour in Tasmania
"The study highlights that prescribed burning can theoretically mitigate wildfire, but that an unrealistically large area would need to be treated to affect fire behaviour across the island."
"In most bioregions prescribed burning is likely to have very little effect on subsequent extent of unplanned fire, and even in regions where leverage occurs, large areas of treatment are required to substantially reduce the area burned by unplanned fire....
...prescribed fire had the opposite effect (fire-follows-fire)"
Burn-offs have almost no effect on bushfire risks, Tasmania study finds
"Modelling shows nearly a third of the state would need to be burned to have significant impact on wildfire threat
Prescribed burn-offs have little impact on reducing the extent and intensity of bushfires"
Planned burning programmes do not reduce the risk of wildfires as people would have us believe.
Under Section 81 of the FORESTRY ACT it is illegal to smoke in public...
in Zimbabwe.
How the Biomass Industry Sent 'Sustainability' Up in Smoke
Criminal case against Forestry for letting fire spread
Prescribed burns fall short of goals in California
There are so many things wrong with the deliberate lighting of fires.
Read the above article....
"Prescribed burn-offs have little impact on reducing the extent and intensity of bushfires"
Pyromania is a disease.
21/8/19 - Deforestation and Climate Change
Burning fossil fuels, in combination with destruction of carbon sinks due to deforestation and other activities, has contributed to more and more carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere – more than can be absorbed from existing carbon sinks such as forests.
Burning causes a flamable landscape.
The more you burn the more you will have to burn.
Bushfires, wildfires, convert our landscape to be fire tolerant.
These fires must be jumped on and put out in their infancy with sufficient resources.
Plannedburning has the same effect.
7.11.2019:  Victorian government to end native logging
January 2020
NSW Fire Chief - Precribed Burning is not the Panacea and  HERE

Old fire chief rejects critism on shortfall in hazard reduction burns
Victorian CFA fire chief says calls for more burns emotional load of rubbish
Logging:  Huon Valley wildfire in Tasmania in January, February 2019
The lower flammability of older forests, and their importance as an increasing store of carbon, suggests that a cessation of logging outside plantations might have considerable benefits.
Post-bushfire logging makes a bad situation even worse, but the industry is ignoring the science
Multiple independent, peer reviewed studies show logging forests after bushfires increases future fire risk and can render the forest uninhabitable for wildlife for decades or even centuries.
Same age, same height plantations change wind paterns, cause catastrophic fires
2009 graphic by Anonymous
Smoke from Australian fires rose higher into the ozone layer than ever before
How ludicrous the suggestion that more hazard reduction burns can prevent or reduce such wildfire activity.
How ludicrous is it when forestry tell us high intensity burn smoke is not dangerous because it goes up into the stratosphere
ABC - September 2020 - Dr Jen Sanger,
research associate from UTAS School of Environmental Science
Unprecedented smoke-related health burden associated with 2019/20 bushfires in Eastern Australia
There were an estimated 429 smoke-related premature deaths, 3,230 hospital admissions for heart and breathing disorders, and 1,523 emergency department visits for asthma as a result of the 2019/20 mainland East coast bushfires.
Smoke costs alone have been estimated to be $1.95 billion.
This is what a team of leading researchers from the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne have found 

Smoke from California fires may have killed more than 1,000 people
5/03/2021- Sustainable Timber Tasmania announces 170 planned burns
More pernicious smoke so they can get rid of their trash.
Residents aren't even allowed to foul the air with wood heater smoke or back yard burning smoke and yet forestry can do it on a large scale, smoking out whole air sheds or sending their garbage up into the stratosphere adding to climate change.
They are just using our air as a sewer. More burning equals more burning.
The Forest Practice Authority's Coordinated Smoke Management Strategy (CSMS) has been designed to allow forestry to put the MAXIMUM amount of smoke into our 11 air sheds.
Eucalypt seedlings can be grown in nurseries. Forestry don't need to burn the landscape and kill the native fauna and flora to grow gum trees; they will grow in a crack in the bitumen.
Forico also has added 23 of their planned burns so far.
By deliberately setting fire to their plantation rubbish, it could be argued any money saved is directly cost-shifted to providing life-long care to smoke-caused victims.
Can our over-stretched health system cope with more deliberate plantation burning, more smoke, and more climate change?
12.3.2021 - Smoke from Sustainable Timber Tasmania planned burning
Wine and beer producers north of Hobart are pleading with authorities to stop planned forestry burns they say threaten their livelihoods
Procedure: Fire Prevention at Forest Operations
This procedure has been developed by the Tasmanian Forest Industry Fire Management Committee (FIFMC). The objective is to minimise the incidence of wildfire resulting from forest and related operations. It outlines minimum fire equipment requirements for forest operations and procedures to follow to reduce the risk of fire. A copy of this procedure should be on site at all times
Come down for air - the March 2021 tourist campaign slogan
"The public's health is important to the Forest Service"   Oh My!
Quick, aggressive aerial attack helps tame 50-acre wildfire off Brock Road in North Pole
An aggressive aerial attack has helped tamp down an emerging wildfire off Brock Road in North Pole. Retardant-dropping air tankers and water bombing aircraft have pacified the upstart Brock Road Fire after it ballooned in size from one-half acre to an estimated 50 acres in two hours.
At 7 p.m., the fire was not putting up any real visible smoke…
In 2012 Colorado State Forest Service conducted a 50-acre (20-hectare) prescribed burn near the small town of Conifer, southwest of Denver.
After the fire seemed to be out, high winds whipped it back to life.
Ann Appel, 51, was among worried residents who dialed 911.
“It’s blowing smoke right over my house,” she told an emergency dispatcher.
“Yeah, it’s about 5 acres (2 hectares) and growing, so they’ve got crews on the way,” the dispatcher replied.
Appel thanked the operator and hung up. Her body was later found in the ashes of her home.
There are other way than burning to achieve fuel reduction.
Logging near towns must stop to mitigate extreme bushfire
Empirical analyses of the factors in influencing fire severity in
southeastern Australia -
Our analyses suggest that forests managed for timber production near settle-
ments may be at increased risk of high-severity fire. This is because logging resets stand age to zero, after which there is a subsequent period of increased probability of high-severity fire, particularly under extreme fire weather conditions. Therefore, policies to maintain cover of older forest near settlements should be considered.

Sustainable Timber Tasmania 2021
Planned Burning
As part of the Planned Burning Program for 2021, around 175 burns are planned for this year across Permanent Timber Production Zone (PTPZ) land, ranging in size from a couple of hectares up to approximately 100 hectares.
Fire Management
Forestry Service: Prescribed fires protect ecosystems ?
“While a prescribed burn can cause inconvenience at times - particularly the smoke that comes off it - Mahoney said that the controlled burns are...”
Forestry don’t get it. They can’t seriously believe their smoke just causes a little old inconvenience at times? Asthma, COPD, Heart Attacks, cancer, and the list goes on. These are just more than an inconvenience. Forest smoke is like any other smoke it shortens lives, and they keep doing it over and over with their planned burns to achieve what? It doesn’t stop fires running in times of climate change. All it does is make people ill and push up the health department budget. Stop burning stuff. There are smokeless ways to achieve fuel reduction and to protect ecosystems.  Click HERE
Forest industries: Don't burn biomass
FORESTRY should be renamed to FIRESTRY
Health impacts of prescribed burn-offs significant but not well appreciated
Co-author and fire ecologist, Professor David Bowman said that although the impacts of smoke from individual prescribed fires was much lower than that associated with severe bushfires, their cumulative impacts were similar because of the much greater frequency of prescribed burns.
Stop clear-cutting, says forestry professor after research
Simard said the work of her students shows a need to re-think clear-cutting. Studies have shown forest practices contribute up to 20 per cent of greenhouse gases worldwide, she added.
Carbon is being stored in trees, plants, debris and soils, and we are losing most of that with clear-cutting, she says.
“We’re doing that all across our country, and we’re doing it all across the world. People who are well informed about the current climate of climate change and biodiversity loss are saying, no, the rules of the day are changing quickly, and we don’t want this anymore.”
The vicious cycle of extreme weather and biomass burning
"The inhalation of atmospheric aerosol is linked to the onset of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases including myocardial infarctions, ischemic stroke and heart failure," says Kavouras. "To improve air quality, we must look beyond our backyard, we must think regionally and globally and act appropriately.
The case against prescribed burning to fight bushfires
Scientists hope the belated listing of fires as a threat to forest species can stop the destructive use of hazard-reduction burning. By Karen Middleton.
The Saturday Paper - July 16 2022
The state government is increasing our bushfire risk right now
At first glance, one might think that logging and then removing fallen trees would reduce fire risks. Why do peer-reviewed scientific studies show that the opposite is actually the case? The Age-July 16, 2022. Professor.David Lindenmayer

Monocultures for Profit

Charlie Jaay explores a terrifying crisis within a crisis — misplaced and misleading tree-planting initiatives which, rather than mitigating the climate emergency, compound it, threatening communities and ecosystems.

Each year, 10 million hectares of natural forest are lost worldwide, while fast growing industrial monoculture plantations of uniform species rapidly expand.

‘If a natural forest is converted to a plantation, entire ecological communities will be destroyed, species diversity will be massively reduced, and ecological processes will be irrevocably altered’

‘Industrial tree plantations are not forests’, indicates Klaus Schenck, of German NGO Rainforest Rescue. ‘These monocultures are green deserts which destroy biodiversity, soils, water supplies and the livelihoods of the people.’

Forest Practices Authority
The Forest Practices Authority (FPA) co-ordinates planned burns in Tasmania.
It uses the Coordinated Smoke Management System to do this.
Alleged breaches of forest practices plans are investigated by the FPA.  Alleged breaches of air quality standards are investigated by EPA.
Editor's comment:
But they can make as much smoke as they like as long as they don't breach the daily average standard. Repeat, the daily AVERAGE standard.
The Coordinated Smoke Management System (CSMS), designed to reduce smoke pollution levels near populated areas, is a voluntary system currently used by the forest industry, Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) and Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS).

Fire Frequency Guideline
How Often Should We Burn in Tasmania?
Check out what has been proposed - you will be amazed
Full document download Here

Gray explains that “Canada does not carry out arson operations sufficiently, as it burns about 10 thousand hectares annually, in British Columbia,” which is less than what New Jersey burns, for example.
Which is worse -   Regeneration burning or wood heaters?
Correction to National Pollution Inventory (NPI) figures
Pie chart HERE
Impact of biomass burning sources on seasonal aerosol air quality
Land Use Change Alerts – LUCA
Explore forest disturbance alerts from 2018 to present by zooming on an area of interest, selecting a custom area, or choosing an administrative area. Color-coded pixels represent forest disturbance alerts at a minimum mapping unit of 0.05 hectares.
Click on the above screenshot.
Forest disturbance alert system
Severe bushfire risk increased by hazard reduction burns, report finds.
As part of the Planned Burning Program 2024, around 180 burns are planned across Permanent Timber Production Zone (PTPZ) land.
The Forest Wars:  David Lindenmayer's new book
Professor David Lindenmayer AO is a world-leading expert on forest conservation and is ranked among Australia's top 50 scientists.
It's time we realised the value of leaving native forests standing.
AI cameras are used to spot wildfires in Tasmania - Click on the photo